What is SAFE?

SAFE is a trade union for personnel working in the energy sector, both onshore and offshore. The name is an abbreviation of Sammenslutningen av Fagorganiserte i Energisektoren, SAFE for short.

SAFE shall embrace a wide number of areas and issues
SAFE is a consequence of the development we are seeing as regards organisation of work, both within the offshore sector and the onshore energy sector. Fundamental changes are taking place, resulting in numerous challenges. This shows that there is a need for a strong union that is capable of safeguarding the rights of personnel in this industry. 

SAFE is a politically independent union affiliated the Confederation of Vocational Unions, YS. Read more about YS.

SAFE will be YS' organisation for energy sector personnel in the widest sense of the word. 

SAFE - the trade union for energy sector personnel

  • SAFE brings together personnel from the whole energy sector
  • Our goal is a fair working life!
  • SAFE is distinguished by real commitment, power of action, a high level of influence, and endurance
  • SAFE cares about its individual members
  • We are committed to safety, maintaining focus on the working environment
  • We want an inclusive working life to be more than just fine words
  • We wish to have a good dialogue with our employers
  • SAFE is prepared to put muscle behind its positions

Why is it a good idea to become a member of SAFE?

  • SAFE is the union for personnel looking for protection in a working life that is getting more brutal and tough on the individual
  • SAFE's goal is to create a fair working life
  • SAFE addresses issues that pose a threat to Norwegian working conditions
  • SAFE is not afraid of using power to win through with our positions
  • SAFE will reduce the sub-hiring of labour and temporary employment contracts
  • SAFE demands that all personnel working in Norway, at sea or on land, must have employment with a Norwegian registered company
  • SAFE demands that all companies operating onshore or offshore must employ personnel on a permanent basis
  • SAFE requires that everyone working in the energy sector must abide by our wage agreements
  • SAFE will work to obtain flexible pension schemes adapted to individual groups and requirements
  • SAFE will expand democratic rights, nationally and internationally
  • SAFE has a well established legal network that will assist you if required, no matter what problem you have
  • SAFE also offers attractive insurance schemes for you and your family

SAFE shall and can become even better at looking after existing and new members

Accessibility is one of our key objectives. We shall have a flat organisational structure, ensuring you as a member easy access to union leaders. This is simply because you are the reason we are doing this. We are an organisation made up of and for employees in the energy sector. You may take part in influencing upon and developing "your own " organisation in this community.
Size gives striking power
Striking power is required to resist the increasing cynicism seen in business life, which in our view is an expression of the globalisation of the Norwegian economy. International players are adopting international ways of running their business - and often these regimes set back the rights of Norwegian employees several decades.
Lack of corporate social responsibility
Companies have become stock exchange profiteers, where everything is a matter of optimum profits. Current profit requirements often lead to labour becoming the balancing items in the accounts. That is why a potent organisation is needed, an organisation that can fight for the safety of the individual, and against temporary labour and employment contracts.
What about the "old" OFS?
Thanks to the previous organisation, OFS, oil workers in the Norwegian offshore sectors are now enjoying very good working conditions and terms!
This is not something claimed by "old" OFS people alone, it is a widely accepted fact. SAFE will build on the results achieved through the joint efforts and experiences of these members. You are invited to join this community and develop it further. Bear in mind; an organisation is as good as its members make it!

Statutes and action program

All organisations are managed with basis in statutes and action programs. As a member, you have an obligation to accept and comply with these documents, so you should read them before you enrol as a member. Our congress may change these statutes every three years, whereas the strategy and action plans is subject to change every year in connection with the Congress/Annual Convention. Read the current Statues, Strategy and Action plan(Norwegian only)